Foodies Festival

Day 1
This time last week, Me, my mother and a whole bunch of Brummies descended upon Cannon Hill Park for the Foodies Festival. It is the first time that this festival has arrived in Birmingham and I was excited to see what would be there.

Dairy-Free Alternatives

As you all know by now, my body cannot handle dairy (if you didn't know, where the hell have you been?!), so I have found alternatives that ensure I never miss dairy. If you are lactose intolerant, just want to try a dairy-free lifestyle, or even a vegan lifestyle then I have come up with a list of alternatives that should help you cater to your dairy-free life. Trust me, it is not as hard as you think.

My Food Place of the Week: Eat

I struggle at times to find good dairy-free options for lunch, as most sandwiches and other options have cheese or a dairy-based products within them, so I wanted to see how Eat fares in this regard and whether they make me want to leave my own lunch at home or stick with my pasta leftovers.

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